
Showing posts from November, 2020

THE ROLE OF PARTY LOYALTY. Or in the case of republicans, a roll of party loyalty to wipe your ass.

     Democrats have long puzzled political observers with their independence from a central organization. The Oklahoma humorist, Will Roger's once said, "I'm  not a member of an organized political party, I'm a Democrat." The party has a broad tent, which is accepting of people of color and sexual minorities. A tent that grew over may decades of internal challenges, and once the Dixicrats abandoned the party to become Republicans. For those who question this internecine struggle, let me stress that this is the definition of the (small 'd') democratic process. During the presidential term of our first president of color, we witnessed the Vice-President publicly accept the reality of gay-marriage at a time when the President would have preferred silence.       There is no longer a similar debate within the Republican fold. Party loyalty is held in higher esteem than independent thought, or thought in general. This has led to an abundance of examples of ridic


     "We scewed up." Charles Koch, along with his brother David was the bette noir of progressive politics for 6 decades. David has now left the stage, Charles may be hearing the footsteps. As a final crie de coeur he has written a book with this startling admission. "We screwed up", in creating a system of hostile partisan politics. There have been recent indications of the last living evil twin having a change of mind. Faint hints in the 2016 presidential election, and more audible indications in the 2020 presidential election. Now, he intends to use his final years to "bridge the political divide". A political chasm (not divide) that he and his brother carved out as surely as glacial ice carved the Grand Canyon, and at the same glacial pace. His first act is a book, written with his partner in rightwing Libertarianism, Brian Hooks. The awkward title: "Believe in People: Bottom-Up Solutions For a Top-Down world." It must not be forgotten that t


     The election is over, what a long century it was. Joseph Biden and his running mate Kamela Harris, are president and vice-president- elect (oh how I enjoy the sound of that). Donald J. Trump is now the president de-select, a thought that also pleases me. The Senate that we had so much hope of flipping remains in Republican control, at least until two run-off elections to be held in Georgia next January. While the House remains in Democratic control, Republicans won seven new seats. So while it was not the crushing defeat of trumpism we had wished, it was a defeat of Trump. He has yet to concede.       We were, as usual, given the gift of comedy. Rudy Giuliani, Trumps lawyer (and friend to the Ukranian duo of Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman of the eponymous business, Fraud Guarantee) gifted us with a non-concession press conference in front of the garage door of the world famous New Seasons Total Landscaping Company. That was only part of the humor. Bookending the now famous landscaping