CAPTAINS LOG: Janus day 6, 3005 BCE. 1st dogwatch "Hey God, is it Log or logue?" "Who knows, write something, I'm not a damned editor, and English has not yet been invented.". "But you are all-knowing" "Noah, you do know I could arrange for you to be lost at sea?" Captain's LOG Wednesday 3005, BCE: "This BCE thing, Before Common Era, what does that mean exactly? You are in this era, I'm in this era, everybody alive today, and soon to be drowned by your flood, is in this era, and there is no other era I can think of, so why are we using this?" " Don't push your luck Noah, I could just as easily make Avram Lichtenstein captain of this ship". "Well God, he will be just as unprepared as I am. How many boat captains do you know capable of guiding a boat too tall for three decks of oars, no square sails, and not even a proper rudder? And filled with two of every kind of animal from predator to prey, ...