It was nearing closing time at our county Democratic HQ. She walked in the door carefully, not advancing towards the desk where I sat, or the work table where Juli and Margo sat, but staying close to the door. She wanted a paper, 'I voted sticker'. It was her first time voting. Upon hearing that, we congratulated her and asked her some of her first impressions. She is an 18 year-old Hispanic girl who pre-registered at 16. She has been waiting these two years for this day. Juli bought her an I VOTED Button so she can save it in her scrapbook. " You Will remember this day all of your life", Juli said. We then shared our own first-time voting experiences. What a mixed bag of voting experiences this young Hispanic girl must be experiencing. My own first time, I voted to re-elect Tom McCall, a Republican, for governor. I have never regretted that vote, even as I detest the party he was part of. In subseqent elections I would vote to re-elect Mark Hatfield and Bob Packwood....