On 2:53 AM, March 24, 2022, Pinky Conklin was relieved of the chronic pain that had bedeviled her most of her life. She was 79 years old. I was only with her a few short years, 3 of them where she was reasonably ambulatory, but we had some fun together. When we started our relationship she was living with one of her sons and his wife in Prineville, Oregon. She was 8 blocks from a senior center, but had no public transport to get her there and she walked unstably with a cane. I thought she could get better treatment in Portland, she was trying to get hip replacement, but I lived on my little 27' Bayliner cruiser. I was living the dream I had held in my mind for some four decades. I did not think she could handle the rigors of marina life, but my purchase of the boat, and the necessary costs of maintaining a boat were taxing my resources. For a while she was able to live with a relative in Tigard. We joined the Tigard Senior Center and she had peopl...
There are certain people who, without thinking very hard themselves, think they know enough to lecture the rest of us. Many of those people can be found in the party that believes there is something bad about being woke. This is where someone from that other party defensively exclaims, "but they're all the same". They are not all the same. Some things are pretty obvious. Finding higher-level intelligence can be found from most Democrats in leadership positions, from Joe Biden-who stutters, is old and moves a little slower these days, but still possesses the wit to put Republicans in their place anywhere he happens to be speaking. To Jamie Raskin, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, Jasmine Crockett, Joe Nagouse, and many many of the current 213 members of the House of representatives, and the 51 members of the Senate. I seriously doubt that any single member of the Republican Caucus in either chamber can match the mental acuity of the least member of the D...
My ex's dog likes me. An extreme like. Aww hell, call it love. When I drive up to their driveway, Wilbur is waiting, anxious for the backdoor to open. When he is released he rushes my car, his hind parts moving rapidly from side to side. I'm a cat person. When we were married we had cats and a dog, all rescues. When we split up, I went petless for many years. Pinkie, my girlfriend who passed on a few years ago, wanted a cat. We were sharing a cabin cruiser on the Willamette River. The cat, Gracie, became all mine when Pinky went into assisted living and later hospice care. Gracie had gravitated to me anyway. Animals don't feel obliged to be what we want them to be. I don't think it's possible not to love a dog or cat. Being a pet parent requires certain responsibilities congruent with the temperment of the animal. Dogs need to run, cats need to roam and climb. There are some people who shouldn't have a pet. Most importantly when ...
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