Bernie Sanders has brought socialism into focus. At least it is a form of socialism: democratic socialism. This is a feat not seen since Eugene V. Dobbs ran for president early in the 20th century. Those with some knowledge of history would remember that Debbs ran his campaign from prison where he had been sentenced for sedition: incitement or resistance to lawful authority.
   At present we have many examples of socialism right under our noses, and they are not the ones pointed out to us by Republicans. Except for Social Security and Medicare, few of them are available to us not in the 1%. Those with the money to buy influence have been able to socialize debt while privatizing profit. This is an ancient story that has exploded since the Citizens United ruling. To add to the insult, the profits that are privatized are taxed at a far lower rate than small folk or small businesses pay. This imbalance in no way pays for the burden of socialized debt. Let's look at some examples:


   They are not cooperatives; they sometimes cooperate with each other, never with us. This form of Plutocratic socialism comes with shared legislative power. Oil, coal, and natural gas are showered with generous subsidies that have made them the richest corporations, with the least transparency, of any corporate entities. Some of these subsidies are buried so deep in legislative riders you could go cross eyed searching for them. These subsidies are not used to ensure safe production of fossil fuels, or for mitigating environmental damage.
   In 2015, Calgas, a California Methane facility, had a massive leak that spewed methane into the atmosphere for months.  Business was disrupted, schools closed, and residents had to be evacuated. The cause of the leak was a well preventer that had been removed for repair, ten years ago. The utility could not find a replacement part, and a compliant legislature did not require prompt replacement. The utility will pay $120 million in compensation over the next decade. That compensation will include monitoring the children for health effects and for active monitoring of the atmosphere. In a refreshing change, the utility cannot raise utility fees to offset their expenditure, a development brought about by Democratic control of the state legislature. Still, those penalties will be insufficient to reimburse the state for the loss of business and tax revenues, or the introduction of methane to greenhouse gasses in an atmosphere sick with greenhouse gasses. Calgas, as a member of the fossil-fuel co-operative, has joined them in denying the existence of global warming and the fossil fuel connection, and has participated in purchasing cooperative politicians in state and federal legislatures.
   Some of you may be thinking, "hey, didnt something like this happen in the BP Horizen oil spill a few years ago"? Bingo! You've been paying attention and are not likely a Republican. There were also oil spills from a ruptured pipeline off the California coast in recent memory, a half-dozen pipeline ruptures that have despoiled such places as the Yellowstone River in Montana, a housing sub-division in Utah, the Red River in N. Dakota, and estuaries in the Great Lakes. While not endless, the list is extensive. Although some fines have been imposed on the corporate culprits, they in no way compensate to the affected habitat, wildlife restoration,property loss, or even the volunteer hours needed to sop up the spills. Socializing debt. Even worse, the fines and penalties are payable over decades, and are tax-deductible. This suggests that future events such as these will continue unabated, and the public treasury will be the poorer for it. Nor, I can assure you, will oversight be increased.


   We know of the government bailouts of banks and AIG insurance after the economic collapse those institutions precipitated in 2008. If you don't there is a book by Michael Lwis, "The Big Short", and the movie of the same name based on the book. At the same time, and for the same reasons, the government extended low-interest loans to GM and Chrysler to keep them from failing. We, at least got some concessions on that deal. Those institutions are recovered and are doing quite well, but middle-America was not offered any relief for their losses during that time. Since most wealth in Middle-America is in their home values, many were forced to sell when the market was at the lowest, or when the value of that investment tumbled. Others were forced to cash out retirement accounts and penalized for it. During the Depression Congress came to the aid of the beleaguered home owners, but during the recession, that Congress could not be moved. Ironically, the very wealthy, who have no great regard for Keynesian Economics, were the only recipients of Keynesian economics.


   Few of as think about sports socialism, but no professional sports franchise operates without it. Well, maybe women's soccer. If a wealthy investor wants to move or relocate a sports franchise to a large media market, the investment group gets the city to put up the money for a new stadium. The city passes a bond measure, backed by public resources, and the team moves in. The owner pays the league an annual fee, collects handsomely on ad revenues and luxury boxes, and the taxpayers are stuck with the obligation and the upkeep of the stadium. Of course the billionaire owner brings in millionaire players, but aside for real-estate sales most of the jobs are low-paying and seasonal. "A fool and his money is soon parted." But if you are rich enough, you can use political leverage to get other fools to put up the money. The sole example of sports socialism that actually benefits the community is the Green Bay Packers football team. The team has always been owned by the citizens of Green Bay, Wisconsin. They own the stadium, the name, the trophies, and the profits. If the team should want to move to a warmer clime, or a larger media market, the citizens of Green Bay must give their approval.


   If you are a small farmer you struggle each year with the vicissitudes of betting on a good harvest: storms, floods, early frost, drought, insects, and fluctuating commodities prices are the things that keep you awake at night. Lately there have been Trumps tariffs. Not so the corporate farmer. They have subsidies, tax-incentives, price supports, and other socialism. If the have a crop failure, crop Insurance is tax deductible or you can always sell short on the commodities exchange.


   Luxury consumption, too, is subsidized by the U.S. taxpayer. Near Bandon, Oregon is a luxury golf resort serviced by a small airport capable of handling corporate jets, nothing larger. That airport is one of many built and maintained in case of national defense. This act was passed when planes were propeller driven. Luxury jets have been the beneficiary of that early 20th century largesse. Executive jets, luxury cars and yachts are owned by the corporation for the exclusive use of their executives. That expense, lease, fuel, maintenance, and staff, are a tax deduction for the corporation. Also the country club membership. The carbon penalty is owned by the entire planet.
   Some people own 401-k retirement plans. They are not a pension. When the investment is gone, there is no pension. If you are fortunate your employer matches your contribution; you, and they can shelter some of your income from taxes. If, as mentioned earlier, you need to cash in some of your 401-k before maturity, you are penalized. A 401-k is capped at $1500. per year in contributions. Not so the corporate executive. Over half of the 383 Fortune 500 firms that provide data have pension plans that guarantee hefty paychecks for life, often into perpetuity, even if no pension is offered to ordinary workers. These, of course, are corporate tax deductions. In addition, the lions share of these corporations offered tax-deferred compensation accounts for executives which, unlike 401-k's, are not capped.
   Hedge-funders like Mitt Romney, pay a measly 23.8% in federal income taxes, compared with 33% to 39%. That was before the millionaires taxcut of 2018. Their effective tax rate is much lower, thanks to generous deductions available only to the 1%. This of course does not count the trillions of dollars stashed in off-shore tax free havens. One estimate is $1.2 trillion, but could be much larger. The actual amount could be double that or more.
   Finally, outrageously high executive compensation is also a burden on the hapless taxpayer. Any income over $1million annually is not deductible by the corporation. Sounds good, right? But if the compensation is labeled performance-based pay, all of the compensation is written off. This accounts for an estimated $5 billion tax loss per annum.  That is nearly two long range strike fighters. It would repair thousands of lead corroded municipal water systems, tens of thousands of inner city school systems, green energy improvements, and other socialist programs not benefitting the plutocracy.
   Socialism was intended to protect ordinary people from the excesses of industrial corporatism; not the other way around.


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