When is the last time you can remember a display of Republican magnanimity? You Trumpies out there, I hope you know the definition. It will make me happy to think of you Googling it. I have lived more than 70 years and would have to go back to President Eisenhauer to remember the tiniest example of Republicans providing help to blue-collar workers and small businesses. In more recent years, Republicans in Congress have been good at lip service, while failing at application. At no time since the dawn of the twentieth century has a Republican president or a republican dominated congress succeeded in helping Americans who are not from the investor class. But at least they made the appearance of concern. Since the Tea-party movement, all appearances of concern for the downtrodden have disappeared. Their proclamations of concern extend only to the corporate funders, the rightwing think-tank,  and the Wall-street bankers. To be fair, President Obama's bailout of Wall-street was a slap at the beleagured mortgage-holders, but at least that came with concessions for stress-tests in banking, or concessions from auto manufacturers who needed bailed out. 
     Donald Trump is the ascension of Republican cruelty and stupidity. He gives comfort to racists, xenophobes, and market manipulators. His Attorney General, William Barr, has put up justice roadblocks to investigations of Trumps family and friends. He has halted prosecution of Russians who were indicted for meddling in the 2016 election. The justices on lower courts, beholden to Trump and a Republican majority in the Senate, have assisted in blocking any investigation of Trumps finances. Every one of Trumps cabinet members has suspicious backgrounds. 
   Excuse me if I don't find this puny example of Republican magnanimity admirable. We have known that we needed a national healthcare reform for a century, you people called it Socialism. Even while allowing Big Pharma to increase the costs of essential medicines far beyond cost appreciation. We have known since the Great Depression that pumping stimulus to the most oppressed in the economy created the greatest middle-class in the world, that those people made the wealthy even wealthier, that those people standing in food lines in 1932 were healthy enough to defeat fascism a decade later. But that too, is socialism. The solution to every problem, according to Republicans, is lower taxes, while cutting benefits to workers, the aged, and especially people of color. Those tax-breaks reduce federal income from people who will never feel the burden of taxation, while failing to reduce the cost of living for those who live pay-check to pay-check. No one seems to recognize that subsidies to wealthy plutocrats and the top 15 of the Fortune 500, is socialism for the rich. Capitalism has become a threat to democracy. All because the cruel and stupid have captured the party.


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