I am in Facebook jail for 30 days, the third time this year. My crime was "violating community standards", the specifics are: I responded to a meme which claimed Trump was elected to sweep the trash out of DC. I responded that while he had swept the trash, mostly competant, from DC, he flooded government with incompetant trash, mostly white trash.
Okay, that was an exaggeration. While most of the trump appointees are white but not specifically white trash, Steve Miller is a notable exception, the incompetance is well displayed. I am a white northern man who remembers the Civil Rights era well. I know the meaning of white trash, and how it has a rather elastic definition. I do not feel that calling an administration, which has made no attempt to limit white racism, white trash is an insult to community standards. If the shoe fits wear it. But there is more at stake here.
Facebook has given people who had previously been limited to poorly written screeds, hand-circulated in fringe group meetings, the ability to spread their hatred. The president they worship (an intentional use) tells them that responsible media is fake and hate media is fine. They use that newly opened fertile ground to spread their opinion, backed up by nothing but gut feeling. The spirit of comity has long been cast aside. I and my people, are libtards, commies, and asshats. In fairness I would tell them, if they were capable of understanding, that i am a liberal. That liberalism has historically advanced human rights and it is the province of conservatives to hold those advancements back, by definition to retard. Not all liberal ideas are adopted at first but most are eventually adapted. Most Trump cultists would not understand the difference. I am decidedly not a communist, though I self-identify as a democratic socialist. I believe in the democratic process and I believe in social safetynets and the public square. As for asshat, it should be apparent that, since I don't wish to kiss Donald's ass (or any other) I am unlikely to wear it as a hat.
I do not believe in being nice to brutality. If you wish to vent your hatred, I will return your hate in the same spirit. If you happen to be white trash, it is you that must change your orientation. You are stuck with your color but you can change your racist orientation.
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