If there is anybody out there reading my blog, you will know how much I love satire. Irony is a part of satire. Often, that irony has an element of self-deprecating humor, which along with oppressing the comfortable, is the highest form of humor.
Here we are with Covid 19 causing businesses and public places to close. That includes libraries and bars, which maintained our sanity in previous crisises. My book, THE MARITIME ADVENTURES OF THE WAYWARD LANDLUBBER, is now published. My first cache of books have been ordered in expectation of promoting this labor of love. Where do I promote it? Fortunately literature is timeless, even mediocre literature. Even Romance novels and survivalist novels. I live each day in expectation of promoting my book. That expectation will take a little more time. It may be true that my poor missive is no more important than that Romance Fiction, but it has been a labor of love. For some of us adventure is a fleeting romance. Like your new love, we feel compelled to share her socially. How is that done with social distancing?
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