There is a meme at the site, Donald Trump is Hated (which oddly enough has undergone a hostile takeover by people who admire Trump) that says, "If Donald Trump is responsible for the pandemic, as libs say, then Obama is resonsible for Sandy Hook". This is a pretty good example of a non sequitur as argument. It could also be described as argumentum ad absurdum, Latin is probably as poorly understood as some of the more elementary examples of American English by these people.
A non sequitur is defined as, "a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement". So let's examine why. An accomplishment you trumpies will never get because there're too many words here and you people don't much like wasting your time with words. First let's examine what those statements have in common: both events took place outside of either presidents influence. The Sandy Hook killings happened because Republicans, who controlled both legislatures a decade earlier, allowed the Assault Weapon Ban to expire. Perhaps it could have happened anyway, but there would have been fewer victims. In the case of the pandemic, Trump could not have prevented it, but the results could have been less severe if he had acted responsibly and early enough to have slowed the spread. See how that works, trumpies?
What President Obama tried unsuccessfully to do after Sandy Hook is where they differ. Obama and many in his party, Joe Manchun not among them, tried to regulate assault weapons sales. Republicans blocked every attempt. That president, the one of a color that you people can't abide, recognized a need for action, and tried to find a solution.
In the case of the Coronavirus pandemic, Trump was told by his intelligence advisors that we would be next, and we should take steps to prepare. Trump not only ignored his advisors, he called Covid 19 a hoax. His party, unlike President Obama's used the knowledge of the impending danger to dump their energy stocks and bulk up their investments in medical stocks.
There were some pandemics and epidemics during Obama's presidency, too. He created a stockpile of emergency response equipment and tried to augment those supplies. Republicans blocked the funding. Obama was successful in creating a pandemic response panel, which was disbanded by Trump in 2017, not one year into his presidency.
So to draw a conclusion to this illustration, one president (Obama) did all he could to respond to the crises of Sandy Hook, and other mass killings, as well as the epidemic diseases that presented themselves during his presidency. He was able to be proactive in limiting the impact of other outbreaks as long as Republicans could not block him. Trump has been proactive about one area only: if he and his crime family were able to make money on a crisis, they did. He has never been able to get in front of the issue, mostly because he denied its seriousness for far too long.
Finding the truth about a statement is more complicated than simply agreeing with some meme posted by an unknown partisan with no ability, or desire, to think logically.
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