In Ohio, some people are trying to get a holiday honoring Donald Trump passed in the legislature. I think this is a fantastic idea. Before you start filling out commitment papers, hear me out.
     The people who are proposing this idea are Republicans, bitter that Trump lost re-election, and who wish to "own the liberals". The odds of this being enacted into law are fairly long. Still there are conservative states, like Ohio, who are crazy enough to do this. Let us give them their wish and turn it into a celebration of trumps incompetance and the failure of a palace coup. We can use Britains Guy Fawkes day as our template. Fawkes and his conspirators wished to start a Catholic insurrection to overthrow the monarchy of newly installed, James I,  and of parliament. To be sure the devout Catholics had many grievances in Protestant England. They had been treated with great brutality by the Protested church, supported by Parliament. James I formerly King James of Scotland was thought to be more tolerant of Catholicism. He failed to live up to those hopes.Fawkes was an expert in gun powder during a time when there was relative peace. Gunpowder was easily obtained and, as with 2nd Amendment zealots, nobody was asking questions of purchasers. He was recruited by the plotters of this attempted coup.  A large quantity of explosives was placed in the basement of a house adjacent to Parliament owned by one of the plotters. The plan was to blow the whole (I'm tempted to say shebang) at a time when King James I would be in attendence at Parliament. Long story short, the cache of explosives was discovered and the plotters endured a miserable execution. 
     How is this relevant, you may ask? Guy Fawkes day is more than a celebration of the failure of an insurrection. The British have a great sense of humor.  They have turned this day into a day of merriment. Some four centuries later, children and adults celebrate this failure.
     Republicans do not have the evolved sense of humor of the average Brit. The never understood Monty Python, and don't to this day. What makes them laugh is seeing the misery of others. What kind of celebration could that be? The significance of MAGA Day as they envision it would soon fade as  Donald Trump and his memory dies off. What if we celebrate the incompetance of the trump administration and the insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021? Have public performances and film contests. Games, extemporaneous readings, and other displays of hilarity. Imagine, Mitch McConnell turtle races, or Paul Ryan smug smile contests. How about a Rand Paul look-alike contest or a Josh Hawley grim future contest. Maybe a Jarod and Ivanka curdled milk of human kindness contest, the Donald and Melania abuse of the English language contest? The opportunities are vast. The Jake Angeli pin the horn on thejackass award, or QAnon crazy conspiracy contest. I could even imagine Pillow-man and fake Elephant tails festooned on people in Donald Trump Jr. masks. Have parades chock full of floats featuring Jewish space lasers and lizard people. The Grand Martial could be the American expat, now a pig farmer in the Phillipines who calls himself Q. 
     We have celebrations of our supposed exceptualism, and those are important. But recent history has shown us how  we have failed. We must have a holiday to remind us how far we have to go to attain that laudable goal. Britain, which at one time could say that, "the sun never set on the British empire", has had to confront her fall from grace. She has done an admirable job, except for Brexit. Guy Fawkes is that vehicle. "Remember, remember the fifth of November" could inspire our own jingle of Jan 6th, there are songwriters who would be only too happy to write the lyrics.


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