I'm currently blocked from Facebook (now Meta: which in Hebrew means, dead. [I wish I could write jokes this funny]). Early in my banishment I got a reply to a remark I made on climate change. This fellow made the preposterous comparison between climate change and a sunburn. Such stupidity can no longer be addressed politely. There was a time we could smile inwardly and turn our backs. That was before the tea-party emerged from the republican party like a hot turd through a hemorrhoid. There is an abundance of information available on climate change which people like him appear to be unaware of. He claimed to live in Australia, which is having its own threats with wildfires and drought brought on by global warming, even worse, it is an island nation, vulnerable to rising ocean levels, and bleaching of coral. These very real threats threaten the very land this fool lives on, the sources of his nutrition, as well as the rest of the planet that surrounds it. HEY STUPID, you ain't far from Antarctica. There's a shitload of ice there! Some of that ice is on the iceshelves that are calving off and some of it is in ice that has been  covering the landmass for millions of years, now much thinner than previously measured.  An ignorant person would be curious enough to check out the sources that can increase his knowledge. A stupid person believes they have enough knowledge, screw all those woke assholes. I have no patience with such people, though I must find a way to vent my irritation without spending more time in Zuckerberg's jail. This is my attempt to inform those, like him, who reject information.
     Global warming is not caused by pollution, i.e. smoke from burning carbon-based fuel. It is caused by carbon dioxide and methane being carried into the upper atmosphere, trapping the suns heat within the atmospheric blanket. In the old days, it was called the "greenhouse effect", the example being a greenhouse that is warmer than the outside air due to the sun's rays being confined within. You do not need to take my word on it; read a book or two, Google it, ask someone smarter than you (since he seems to think that global warming can be cured by sunscreen, there should be billions of people he could go to to become better informed. Al Gore, a former Vice-president and presidential candidate in the 2000 election, wrote a book on it called, "An Inconvenient Truth". You may be able to find it in a used-book store for less than a dollar USD, assuming you're capable of reading a book without pictures. For what it's worth, Vice-president Gore has some academic credentials to substantiate the claims he made: he has a 2007 Nobel Prize for his work with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he has a bunch of lesser, but still important prizes, among them the Gothenburg Prize for sustainable development, the Dan David Prize for Social Responsibility with emphasis on the environment, he also has degrees from Harvard and Vanderbilt. These degrees were not awarded for being born into an influential family, like a certain loser president who received a Bachelors degree from University of Pennsylvania, which he enlarged into a fictitious MBA from Wharton's. Where Al Gores book was wrong, as some will tell you, is that the effects of climate change which he predicted in 2004 were under- estimated. Everything he predicted has happened, it just happened sooner than the data predicted. 
     You seem to think that your tiny brain is so capable that you have the right to criticize science, and the people smart enough to do science competently. Those rare few who can be called incompetant scientists are usually in the employ of carbon extraction companies. Some qualify for Darwin Awards, to celebrate their incompetence. You should Google the awards, we make fun of your stupidity. If you want to make a remark about something you don't know shit about, ask questions designed to inform you to a higher degree. If you think you know enough to criticize, resist that urge, social media is full of those people, as are grade-school playgrounds. There are people smarter than you and I. Billions of people from places all over this globe. I look to those people for enlightenment. I ask questions to elicit a more complete understanding. You sir, may have some talent you can take pride in, climate change is not a knowledge you can lay claim to. The use of reason in creating effective examples is also a talent above your station. 
     There are many people at this very moment who are becoming climate change refugees. Some of them are Australians, fleeing wildfires or unable to farm and ranch in the ways they have been accustomed to since your relatives were sent there to clear out England's prisons. You will be one of them. I, thousands of miles distant, will also be in that number because it is planet-wide.  It would be prudent of people like you to not be among those known to scoff at the threat awaiting. 


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