I'm a liberal. We get accused of wasting money on people who don't have much, and not wasting enough money on people who will never lose their wealth in 10,000 years.
     My blood glucose testing strips ran out and I called my prescription renewal in two weeks from this penning. Without a prescription my Medicare won't cover them and I would pay $90 bucks out of pocket. The next business day after my call to the pharmacy was a Tuesday, Monday being a holiday. I had not heard the recorded call telling me that my prescription renewal was up, so I called to see where I was in the queue. They had not been called back yet by my physician, so I called the Doctor. A sudden snowstorm had closed the office. Finally on Tuesday, one week later, I recieved the recorded message. When I got to the pharmacy, they had filled my prescription with a whole new blood-testing kit: lancets, reader, and test strips. It goes without saying that the various parts are not compatible.
     This is where I am conservative. I'm okay using one system that has worked well for me. Why waste money on a completely new system when the old one was fine. If those damn test straps are worth $90 bucks without a prescription, how much would the glucose meter cost? Or even the lancet, I sometimes think I don't need the Lancet's because 1) I have a cat who draws blood as she sees fit, and 2) one lancet can last a long time. That money could be better spent on someone who can't afford a blood glucose testing system, and not rewarding the overpayed CEO. Additionally, that is a lot of plastic to go in a landfill. Plastic that will last somewhere around a nuclear half-life. And can be used for nothing useful in a second life. 
     The conservative of today would not know Edmund Burke who was so inspiring to William F. Buckley, the conservative who led conservatism as recently as four decades ago. Few of them would know who William F Buckley is. Today's conservative is a sour-tempered poorly educated, person always looking for someone to hate. And fearful that kids and adults might read books that would make the reader woke. There is a bust of Edmund Burke somewhere which is cracking from neglect. 


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