Gun registration has never been a popular legislative idea in this country. Especially in those small towns that Jason Aldean embarrassed himself with. I know, ya' ain't supposed to end a sentence with a preposition. A recent event, much memed, has started some people in a strongly red state to contemplate a kind of weapons registration. Problem is, they are stuck on the title. The Folding Chair Registration and Safety Act doesn't seem to have the required dignity.
By now we know the story. A pontoon boat piloted by a white guy who considered himself entitled, and his entitled white friends, decided to tie up at a wharf in Montgomery Alabama. Only in Alabama could a white guy in a pontoon boat be considered entitled. Okay, include Louisiana, as well. The problem is that the spot they had elected to tie up to was reserved for a tour boat which was just in front of them, preparing to back into the spot. A large tour boat with not much room to maneuver. The Co-captain was summoned to inform the novice boater that the spot he errantly chose was reserved for that big-ass tour boat idling in front of them. The problem is that that co-captain was a darker pigmentation than entitled white people were used to granting the authority to be an authority figure. Especially when the co-captain's authority was a threat to his white entitlement. A scuffle ensued, which brought out the entitled pontoon boat skipper's passengers, a couple of them females-of a similar age and disposition. There were people sittin' on the dock of the bay, watching the tide wash away, and it's adjoining areas. Seeing the overwhelmed co-captain, they quickly joined the action on the side of the black co-captain. They too, were a darker hue than the pirates of the pontoon craft preferred. One young man, a skinny youth of about 15, did a Michael Phelps across the marina to join the fray. The now outnumbered pontoon pirates were getting the justice they deserved, not the justice they were used to. One of the (ahem) ladies came into contact with a folding chair and subsequently went for an unanticipated swim. MAGAworld went crazy, taking to Facebook to decry the injustice meted out by the folding chair holder that refused to fold. By the same token the digital feeds of people of color rejoiced in the fate of the entitled white woman. No doubt they also rejoiced that the cops hadn't yet arrived to behold the holder of the folding chair and perceive him as a threat, thus dispatching him with 9mm justice. Memes were created. One had Special Prosecutor Jack Smith holding a folding chair. Another showed Malcom X with a folding chair peering through a window. Still another showed a young black man with folding chair in hand exercising his right to openly carry a folding chair. The police came and issued citations. To the three white men who thought that they were exercising their right to do as they felt was their white priviledge. They were expected to turn themselves in to the local constabulary. We can assume that none of them will spend a day in jail, though they will forever be confronted by images of themselves on Facebook, X, or Truth Social.
There's at least karma there, if not justice.
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