May 26, 1993, Jose Conseco made baseball history doing something no outfielder wants to see on film. He was chasing a high fly ball in the rightfield and lost it in the sun. The ball bounced off the top of his head and went into the stands for a home run. It went down in baseball lore as "the doink". Consecco had some pretty good stats until his career was ruined by steroids. Perhaps his one defensive weakness was in fielding, which is why he played right field, the one position which required the least defensive talent. 
     The first thing you learn in Pee-wee baseball, someone has claimed, is to put the least capable player in right field. In politics the same claim can be made. Rightwingers are the fat kid with the big mouth and the weinie-arm. They do have an offensive talent but in being offensive, not for being enlightened. Republicans are the fat kid in rightfield watching all the other kids fielding hits. Even worse, Republican politics requires their members to stick as close to the right wing line as they can and punishes them when they cheat towards the center. Liz Cheney might be a good example of a republican who found herself too far from the right field line, even as she maintained her integrity as a conservative. The House Republican Caucus is filled with fat kids unsuitable for any position but right field. Even the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy has an undistinguished political career, yet he is the only one with the legislative time in office necessary for the Speaker position. Rep. Steve Scalise, who is the House Majority leader, and who was shot at the House baseball game a few years back has been mentioned, but he is battling cancer, which is a serious thing, and is too close to white nationalists which is not as serious to Republicans. McCarthy became Speaker with a 5-vote margin and  was in the political grasp of the extreme right in his party led by Matt Gaetz. By extreme right we mean more extreme rhan the previous extreme right. Back in 2020 McCarthy was on stage with He-who-cannot-be-named. As the coda to his speech, the part where you stir up passion, he said something to the effect that, "with your help I will take the gavel from Nancy Pelosi. I will not bang her with the gavel, but I will bang socialism."     Doink!  Kevin is no longer  the Speaker of the House as this is written, October 3, 2023. Doink! This was not the fault of some dirty tricks by the minority party. This was an internal battle between two wings of the Republican party. Two unstable wings with 99.9% of the same genetic material, but who cannot weild power. Doink!
     The waning days of September were their opportunity to end Joe Bidens political career, they thought. To impeach Biden like their president Trump, had been impeached twice in one term by a Democratic majority, for actual high crimes and misdemeaners. The only thing they needed to overcome was the staggering incompetence hither-to assumed to be the only thing the post-tea-party republican party was capable of. And the small matter of finding an example of high crimes and misdemeanors. A thing they could not acknowledge in their own president. Three times they doinked on that. Once was an investigation of the politicization of government run by the party that was politicizing government to impeach the sitting president with nothing but what they could pull from their backsides. They had nine months of investigations of Hunter Biden in the hope to tie his poor choices to his father the President, in the way that Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Don Junior and Eric did when their dad was president,  and which no Republican acknowledged. They doinked on that. Some of the testimony against Hunter Biden was this laptop given to Rudy Guiliani (the perfect example of doink since about 2012). Purportedly, with no proper handling of evidence, Doink! That laptop had allegedly been dropped off at a repair shop by a friend of Hunter Biden who was never identified. The computer repair shop employee, by the way was legally blind, but no worries, Doink. 
    Then the ultra, ultra conservatives, eight of them in the House, deposed Kevin McCarthey they doinked on that by succeeding. The Republican party has had a poisonous right wing as long as I've been alive. It has brought into the party an element not easy to control at the best of times. Since the candidacy of Donald Trump, that element has taken over the party in the same way as the biker gangs in those awful Clint Eastwood movies of the 1970s took over the town. Another doink.  At this point the Speaker's gavel is in the hands of a Speaker pro-temp until a new speaker is chosen, his name is, ironically Patrick McHenry. This guy would not know the difference between liberty or death. No House business can be started or completed without a Speaker. Since it took fifteen votes to decide on Kevin McCarthy I would not expect any house business getting done for a while. Another doink. In order to get sufficient votes he had to allow for a provision where only one voice from the far right was needed to depose him. That turned out to be another doink. That provision remains until it is voted out by the Republican Caucus. Don't expect that to happen anytime soon, either.
     The republican party can no longer govern itself, let alone the country. They have for sometime modeled themselves after that Pee-wee baseball team, embodying the fat kid with the weiney-arm in rightfield. The fat kid in rightfield letting every ball get passed him, or throwing a weak ball errantly to allow extra bases. And no end is in sight. 


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