There are certain people who, without thinking very hard themselves, think they know enough to lecture the rest of us. Many of those people can be found in the party that believes there is something bad about being woke. This is where someone from that other party defensively exclaims, "but they're all the same". They are not all the same. Some things are pretty obvious. Finding higher-level intelligence can be found from most Democrats in leadership positions, from Joe Biden-who stutters, is old and moves a little slower these days, but still possesses the wit to put Republicans in their place anywhere he happens to be speaking. To Jamie Raskin, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, Jasmine Crockett, Joe Nagouse, and many many of the current 213 members of the House of representatives, and the 51 members of the Senate. I seriously doubt that any single member of the Republican Caucus in either chamber can match the  mental acuity of the least member of the Democratic caucus. I say that based on their various investigations of Hunter Biden, the weoponization of government against the party where laws are more important than what the godfather wanna-be says. There are philosophic razors, mental tricks, that seek to zone in on what is important. To illustrate this: These razors can remove the bearding of some forms of thought not quite up to being called philosophy, but they have no connection to the thing that does the Brazil trim.
     Our first razor should be familiar to most people. OCCAMS RAZOR: "trust whatever is the simplest plausible explanation", also explained as keep it simple stupid. Of course
 there are some more complex ideas to be considered than Occams Razor, but seriously, does anyone actually think that MAGA has enlivened the level of philosophical thought? Assuming we are not talking about string theory or quantum physics, or some other higher combination of thinking at one time practiced by people with pocket calculators, and I am not one of them, Occam's Razor works reliably well. Still we must remember that the simplest answer must not go without more complex thoughts, cause sometimes the simplest idea is not the answer. I give you, as an example, tha Alabama State Supreme Court.
     Another famous razor not made by Gillette is Hanlon's Razor: "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity". Using Republicans as my example, a thing that always delights me, let us question this for a moment. While there are ample examples of stupidity within that once not so bad party, there are also notable examples of malice. I choose not to use evil because others are more qualified to describe evil, but there are people who have risen to a level of political power in the party Lincoln would not recognize, who can be described as possessed of malice. Donald Trump emerged from this swamp, erroneously claiming he would drain it.  Seriously! Can you find the smallest example of nobility in Donald Trump, his family, or the crime family he leads? I will leave Barron out of this because he has remained quiet so far, as he passes into his 19th year. He will have time to display which razor exemplifies him. Tony Soprano had the good sense to see a shrink for his panic attacks. The only shrink Trump has seen is his niece and she does not like her uncle. We should heed her warning. 
     Grace's Razor requires a philosopher to explain. So forgive me for attempting. "As a principle of parsimony, conversational implications are to be preferred over semantic context for linguistic explanations". There are some possibly confusing words there. Words not normally found in a Republican context. The short version as listed by Google is, that you should address what people meant to say, rather than the precise words they use. Precise word usage is not one of the rightwing party's strong points, but parsimony is the perfect noun to define their economics. They use few words because they have few words, and those they use ineffectually. They are not parsimonious about using stupid. Additionally, they cannot bear to give to working people that which they would prefer to give to the wealthy.They are led by a fellow who can barely speak a cohesive paragraph, yet they believe that President Biden is suffering from dementia. I believe that, even though they make this claim from a postion of outright malice, most do not understand the words they use, which i suppose proves the point. I may be wrong but am comfortable with my assessment.
     Our fourth Razor is Hitchens Razor: "what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence". This is possibly the most accurate description of the rhetorical talent possessed by MAGA. After-all, they spent fourteen months leading an impeachment investigation of President Biden where they were searching for evidence to impeach rather than seeking to impeach based on evidence. Most people who practice law would assemble evidence before they start the trial. Unless you happen to have a public defender or are of a color not normally found at a MAGA rally. Congressman Jim Jordan, previously known to have been a wrestling coach that ignored evidence of the team doctor sexually abusing his wrestlers, led one of those investigations. Representative Jordan we may assume, never heard of Representative Denny Hastert. Jordan named his committee, The Weaponization of Government by Democrats investigation. So far, the Jordan investigation has weaponzed his position to discover some amazing things: an investigation of Hunter Bidens lap-top which had been reported by a couple former Ukranians with ties to Russia who claimed that there was stuff to be found on the younger Biden's laptop. His pursuit of this caper would be described by most of us as Wiley Coyote. The problem was three-fold. 1)There was no chain of custody in confiscating the laptop, 2) the shop employee is legally blind, 3) and the two informants reporting to Rudy Guiliani, Lev Parnas and Igor Furman, own a business named, I kid you not, Fraud Guarantee. The fourth problem for the republican investigation is that the Lev Parnas mentioned above, from Fraud Guarantee, admitted in front of James Comers similar investigation, that Russia was behind the accusations Republicans were using to find a reason to impeach the President. All of this, to return to the subject, was asserted without evidence and exposed by the defense with some pretty solid evidence. In a normal world such poor judgement in a leadership position would be avoided by the majority party. These are not normal times and russiapublicans, are not a normal party.
     We Democrats must ask ourselves how we can dismiss what seems to be crazy thoughts not supported by evidence, but we must prove our evidence to those who do not seem to need evidence. Sort of like how Democrats on the House Biden probe must show supporting evidence, while republicans can make ad hominem insults and have them accepted as fact. It seems unfair to me. It also tempts me to propose another razor: Ramsay's Razor: never discuss religion or politics with a Republican.


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