The republican National Convention is over. There's not much to contrast it with previous party nominating conventions. It should have been an embarrassment to any thinking person, but thinking persons have been primaried from them since about the 1990s. Which explains how Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan were featured entertainment.

I don't know when it happened, but at some time in the last decade or two, party platforms have slipped away from the Republican presidential nominating conventions. They are no longer the kind of events that we saw in the great Frank Capra movies of the 1940's. Maybe they never were. I can remember as a boy of about 6, sitting on grandpa's lap watching the 1956 Republican convention on their brand new Admiral television.. The states would be called by the moderator and as each state was called, a speaker, male of course, would stand and speak in their best stentorian voice, introducing the great qualities of their states. They would then put into nomination the candidate who attained the most votes in that states primary. As the Convention reached its close, planks would be read into the minutes and voted on. From those successful planks would be built the platform that the Presidential candidate would run on. Democracy in action. The 2024 RNC left that out of its convention. There was no need for the stentorian speeches by state officials. Nikki Haley had already given her delegates to the guy she said she could never support. That act of supplication gained her a speaking spot at the Convention. Bobby Kennedy Jr. had sold out for a sinecure position in the Trump administration. There were no other possible candidates. Donald Trump had turned the RNC into yet another part of Trump Inc. and nobody complained. He is even using RNC campaign funds to pay his legal bills, and again, no one has complained. The Republican platform had been written by faceless individuals in a non-descript room at the Heritage Foundation. We can be sure it wasn't voted on. We may also surmise that if it was a smoke-filled room, that the smoke was from expensive cigars which were accompanied by copious amounts of Trump Cabernet Sauvignon. You can dip the butt in the Cabernet and it wont ruin the already awful wine. This is the end of what was once a great political party. Lincoln would be crushed. His Democratic opponent, Stephan Douglas would have rejoiced. Here I may be indulging in a bit of hyperbole. Or not.

Republicans have gotten away from public speaking. They remind you of a prison Toastmasters club. Reagan could be personable, though that may be attributed to his acting chops. Gerry Ford had his rhetorical moments, Nixon curdled the coffee cream that was fresh and served in a small stainless steel pitcher at the time. Eisenhower may have been the best Republican speaker as president. Douglas MacArthur was a good speaker, but Republicans in those days wished he would, "just fade away".

Probably from Nixon's administration on, we've seen the proliferation of right wing advocacy groups. At first they may not have been the corporate lobby-in-hiding. As they gained influence, they stopped advising and began demanding. Those think-tanks and pressure groups offered pre-digested policies, and incentives for falling in line. Any show of independent thinking and they won't back your primary; your political career will be aborted. One of those groups, ALEC, goes around to states with the Republican tri-fecta: Governor and both houses of the legislature in Republican control. They throw lavishly catered meetings where pre-digested bills are passed out to be jammed through the legislature and signed into law. Those politicians are promoted through the Republican farm team until they, in the words of the Peter Principle, reach their highest level of incompetence. Here I would mention some names, but what Republican shows any level of competence? The hapless Democrats in those states watch those bills go through with barely a speech to promote it. Like popcorn through a goose. The final product bears a striking resemblance to the final product of that popcorn's journey.

Republican conventions, lately, are run in the same brusque manner. This year the Heritage society presented project 2025 without examination. There was some discussion among the opposition party, but Republicans have gotten away from two-party politics. Heritage Foundation was there handing out the talking points. Anyone who might have been a little queasy kept it to themselves. Who am I kidding! We are talking about Republicans. They are by now as well-trained as Pavlov's dogs.

Too late were the Republicans inclined to ask if they had gone too far with this 900 page tome. The word spread through the media, 90% of which is controlled by six corporations. Even some of them were inclined to ask if this was the heritage Heritage wanted to live with. When you are punished for independent thought, people within that bubble find their critical thinking as flaccid as the wattles in Donald Trump's neck. Even worse, Republicans don't like to to allow Democrats to speak on those issues that are important to right wing think tanks. There is no need to inspire the electorate. They only need to use lies and insults about their Democratic opponents. This is the Republican of today. 


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