I'm a Democrat. Except for a couple months in 1972, I always have been. I persist. What alternative is there? Back in 1972, I was young and full of myself. I figured that I would change my party affiliation, so I could vote for Congressman Paul McCloskey in his primary run for president against Richard Nixon. What could possibly go wrong? There were Republicans in that far-off time who were "not so bad". Some of them were personable, affable even. The kind of people you could invite for a cup of coffee and hope and hope they might counter with an invite for whiskey. When standing before a television camera, their fangs did not drip saliva when they spoke. As you may have guessed, I wasted that vote. Young people do that. Sometime during the Reagan administration Republicans became worse. They had, by that time become wedded to Dixiecrats and Dominionist Christians as well as the corporate class who abjure any kind of regulations they don't like. Regulating others is f...