Republicans have been somewhat mired these days, like the Pete Seeger song of the Vietnam era, 'Knee Deep in the Big Muddy and the Damned Fool Says, Push on.' Like the Tar-baby scene from Disney's Song of the South, no longer seen in a liberal household. It does seem to fit in the Republican household.

Since J D Vance stumbled onto the scene, Republican mouthpieces, and blondes with deep cleavage and shallow minds, have been playing news-room Twister, trying to gloss over the daily gaffs of its Presidential candidate and his DEI-hire vice-president nominee. Vice presidential is a quality beyond the reach of Mr. Vance and many other Republicans. This is something of an irony to someone old enough to remember when President Biden, I still like the sound of that, was known for his many gaffs. I may have mentioned this before, but REPUBLICANS SUCK AT HUMOR. The blonde joke seems to be the highest achievement of the conservative humorist. Jokes that oppress the oppressed; not jokes that oppress the oppressor. Jokes lacking in wit. Now that President Biden has passed the baton to his Vice-President, the masters of the blonde joke are dusting off their racist jokes. It's not working for them. They are standing before a crowd where their jokes don't land. To make matters worse, the subject of their cruelest jokes, Vice-President, and soon to be President, Kamala Harris, has a pretty good wit. One that was there all along but not appreciated by the masters of ghetto humor.

There was a woman of historic wit, long before I was born. Like VP Harris, she smashed ceilings. She was a woman surrounded by male colleagues, she was proudly libertine, and made fun of teetotalers and sexual mores.

"I like to have a martini, or two at
The very most. After three, I'm under the table
After four I'm under the host".

This was a world where women were not supposed to display their wit. It was a time when women wore whale baleen corsets, around their waists, and around their lives. Like the world the Heritage Foundation would like to take us back to. Dorothy Parker, and her equally witty comrades, Heyward Broun, Robert Benchley (father of Jaws), Ruth Hale, George S Kaufman, and others, sat at the Algonquin round table and made fun of everything, even themselves. Oh, to be able to bring up some YouTube  videos. To look back over a century and ask, we haven’t evolved, have we?

"Four be the things I am wiser to know:
Idleness sorrow, and friend and foe.
Four be the things I'd  be better without:
Love, curiosity, freckles and doubt".

I am not comparing V P Harris to Dorothy Parker. Few will ever reach that exalted place. I am saying that people will be quoting both women a hundred years from now. Nobody will remember the blondes with deep cleavage and shallow minds. And the conman and shillbilly, and the party that worships them, will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

"Their pooled emotions would not fill a teaspoon."

"There's a hell of a distance between wise-cracking and wit.
Wit has truth in it; wise-cracking is simply calisthenics with words."
And there you have the difference between the Democratic party and the Republican party of today.


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