People are weird. Even people who are not part of that other party. The weird party. I was walking into my volunteer gig at our county's Democratic Headquarters. The morning guy, Mike, was hanging up the phone with a WTF look on his face. 
                       " This woman just called, she wanted our help finding her ID."
                       "Where did she lose it?"
Mike smiled. 
                      "She was held in the basement of the Whitehouse for 30 years," he said. Naturally, Bill Clinton was part of it. But wait till you hear the rest of the trio. Kevin Mannix, and whoever is the President of Willamette University."
                      " Kevin Mannix? The perennial loser in Oregon politics? That Kevin Mannix?"
                      "The same", Mike replied. 
                      "What did you tell her?"
                      " What coul9d I tell her. Washington DC doesn't know we exist, even when a Democrat is in the Whitehouse. The People's Republic of the left coast. People only know about California on the west coast." We chuckled and Mike went back to what he was doing.

Later, maybe around an hour later, a woman walked in the office and spoke to Mike. It was her. She was maybe in her 50s. She could have been younger but she had had children who would be somewhere around 30, children who were lost while she was held in confinement in the basement of the Whitehouse. There was nothing clearly crazy-looking about her. She was dressed casually, tan slacks, a white blouse, sneakers. She was any woman of a certain age who are the economic backbone of the economy, who buys her clothes at the thrift store.
I listened as best I could while not wanting to intrude. She had, she said, worked for either the FBI or CIA. The CIA is forbidden to run opps in country, that is the FBI's job. She also mentioned after this revelation, that she had spent some time as a guest of Guantanamo Bay. She called it Gitmo.That would have made her a renditioned prisoner of the CIA. I can't  think of any prisoners at Gitmo who were not Muslims, captured on a foreign battlefield and suspected of being Al Quaida. She didn't appear to be Muslim. No burka, or other outward appearances of being a Muslim woman. But she could have been working under cover. We don't know all of the secret stuff that the CIA is up to. It could be possible. But unlikely. Highly unlikely. Kevin Mannix is also an unlikely member of that evil triumvirate that held her captive since sometime during Bill Clinton's first term. And wouldn't one of the succeeding occupants of the Whitehouse, 8 years of George W Bush, 8 years of Barack Obama, 4 years under Donald Trump, and not quite 4 years of President Joseph Biden. Somebody from the Whitehouse staff must have known about the woman that was kept confined in the basement. Somebody in Langly, Virginia would have knowledge of her, and where she was held. Probably in great detail. But maybe it was Top Secret. Maybe her account was part of that trove of secret documents held in Donald Trump's bathroom at Mar a Lago. Maybe she was a Russian spy, held incommunicado. But why would she not be immediately deported once released from confinement. Maybe she snuck back in with Russian aid. Did she come in through Portland Airport? Maybe on one of those executive jets with unregistered tail numbers. Or maybe she came into the Pugent Sound on a small submersible. Or maybe she crossed the Columbia Bar and was landed in Portland on the Vera Katz walkway, on the Eastside of the Willamette River, to blend in with the leftist runners and walkers that frequent that area. Maybe she had a dog with her, with a radio collar to record sensitive information. But we are not intimately involved in sensitive US intelligence. Or are we? Maybe our position in a state too far north to be California makes us the perfect place to run a spy operation. Maybe that's the Mannix connection. But Mannix is nearly universal hated in Oregon, he can't get elected dogcatcher, though he runs each election cycle. Where the money comes from would be another question. What a perfect cover that would be, a perrenial candidate payed by a hostile country to pass on disinformation. It was done in the 30's. We have had an Old Believer Sect of Russians in the Willamette Valley for many years. Some of them could have been penetrated by Russian FSB agents. And Kevin Mannix could be their handler. Maybe he reports directly to Michael Flynn. That's  the Republican angle, what about the President of Willamette University, a small Liberal Arts college in Salem? What if...what if Willamette University would be like the HILLSDALE COLLEGE of the west. A conservative stronghold in this little city somewhat north of California. A Liberal-Arts college which could, like Hillsdale College, make a mockery of Liberal Arts. Who would notice it? A place to recruit Young Republicans a higher quality than John Eastman. The guy with the stupid leather hat and arrogant belief in fake electors. That's it! A charade! All tied up in a perfectly executed knot.

But what happens if it's some sophisticated charade with more twists and turns than a Formula 1 race course? Something Republicans aren't capable of doing. Like a John LeCarre spy novel. Or perhaps worse, Peter Seller's Inspector Cleuseau. So, the woman came in to see if they could find one of us guilty of some unexplained misdeeds. They could  close the storefront. But we're still open, so it wasnt Mike. She didn't pay any attention to me when she was in Headquarters. Maybe it's me she's after. She could see me from the corner of her eye.i couldn't see her that well. What if a MAGA Special Operations Group (MSOG) has targeted me for my Facebook activity. They've been following me. Waiting for me to let my guard down, so they can hold me captive, somewhere. Maybe Idaho. Or, even worse, Texas. 

There's weird stuff going on out there.



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