Many of us were mislead by the Bond films and the assorted criminal masterminds to emerge from the dark places where villains assemble to take control of the world from the "globalist hierarchy", fictional groups like SMERSH, SMEGMA,  or whatever sinister groups are out rhere. It is not hard to find a real-world corallary to Bond villainy. The problem is James Bond, 007,  was in a linear universe, where the battle was between battle MI-6 and whatever evil profiteer he, Bond, is assigned to eliminate with "extreme sanction".  Sometimes the CIA rides in the passenger seat. In the real world MI-6 must fight several villains at once and there are more than seven double O's needed. And that's only one spy agency battling the dark knights. We are not sure where the CIA fits into that picture. 

Our fascination with spy fiction has been entertaining, but like all of our battles with the real villains, we are fighting their passionate quest for world domination. We have multiple villains with billions of dollars of spendable cash. And we need more double-O's to fight this scourge. Most of us are beyond retirement, and weren't double O quality in our younger days. 

We are faced by a confluence of groups wishing to wrest power from the populace, and hold it firmly within their tightly-held group. Among them are those big business billionaires who fund the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, Club for growth and other pro-big business groups. Reports have been out there on the history of Lewis Powell, who before his ascension to the Supreme Court, wrote a memorandom where he urged the Chamber of Congress in 1972, to devote 10% of their profits into creating advocacy groups in Washington DC to promote the interests of business and restructure government to be more pro-business. What could possibly go wrong? He was spectacularly successful, to the point that six justices on the Supreme Court are bribeable. Joining them are Dominionist Christians as exemplified by the usual ministers in mansions owning executive jets, and the Opus Dei Sect of Catholicism which has been worming its way into DC since after WWII. Both have houses in DC, one on C street, the other on K street, where republican politicians are recruited and- oh what's the word they like to use-groomed, as advocates for their corporatist/religious extremist political vision.

A word on Opus Dei, which counts the 6 conservatives on the Supreme Court as members. Yes women can be admitted Ginny Thomas is a member.  It appears that the description of Opus Dei in the book and movie, DaVinci Code, are portrayed truthfully. Members are taught to wear the barbed band around their leg to activate, should naughty thoughts emerge, and they are taught to flog themselves with that silver lash to display their contrition to God, and then there is the incel tradition. This group has been an active part of capital political activities at its K street location since at least the 1950s . This might be an indication of how there are so many really, really weird people in the Republican party. The other religious group, The Family, located on C street, is Dominionist Christian, and seems nearly normal in comparison to Opus Dei. Until their political ideology emerges. But these are only two of the Bond villains currently assailing western democracies.

Russia, of course, has focused on destroying western democracies since the Iron Curtain went up. They are not just concentrating on the United States, but have been punching above their weight in recent years in Germany, France, Britain, and former satellite countries of the USSR, such as Poland and Hungary. It would not be a great leap of faith to find Russian-surnamed people in the the Maduro administration of Venezuela. We know they were here in the US. The Trump campaign has had many Russian-surnamed people working for on Donald Trumps presidency in 2016. They are poised to resume their nefarious activities. It is not hard to find them and there has been rich pots of Russian money available to any pod-caster who can look directly into a camera and spread Russian propaganda. A group of seven Republican legislators spent July 4th of 2018 in Moscow as guests of Vladimir Putin. They turned out later to be supportive of Russia's attack on Ukraine in 2021, and seem unconcerned with Russia's attempts to weaken NATO. Is there nothing to worry about here? There are also pictures of Michael Flynn and Jill Stein (an Independent candidate for President in 2016) at a table in Moscow hosted by Putin. 

And then there's China, who wishes to convince us to allow Taiwan to be taken over without opposition. And we can be sure Premier Xi is dishing out delicious pot-stickers of Chinese money to pacific Ocean countries under leadership of autocrats: India, Philippines, Venezuela, North Korea, and others. 

None of these Bond villains have direct links, or even similar goals, aside from weakening us in the global community so they can replace us as the global leader. To that end they have all coalesced behind the worst, most crooked, human being to emerge from the American electorate ever: Donald Trump. He is as happy to accept their bribes as Justice Thomas is to accept fancy vacations in Indonesia at the hands of Harlan Crow. Harlan Crow also has links to Opus Dei, and it is said that the Thomas's also have strong links to Opus Dei. Ginny Thomas credits fellow Opus Dei member, Leonard Leo for counseling Clarence to return to the Catholic church when he was losing faith, or whatever version of Christian reverence he is capable of. Maybe that is the Harlan Crow link, who knows?

Freedom ia a word on everybody's tongue, but not understood by some. Some people think if  they prevent some people from access to that freedom layer cake, they can cut a bigger slice for themselves. Then they hook up with people who have made a life stealing freedom cakes and think they can keep  those thieves of freedom from taking that bigger slice because that is what they do.


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