David Brooks has long been a New York times columnist. During all of that time, with the exception of recently, with the first Trump administration, Columnist Brooks has been a happy right wing polemicist. He is no longer happy. Not with his Republican party. Not with Trump, not with the quality of thought on display in Republican polemics today. One Whitehouse staffer actually said that, “we are building the rocket as we launch it.” Irony is lost on the Republican party. It is not lost on David Brooks and it must have him chewing antacids like chocolate kisses.
Mr. Brooks now sees himself as a Democratic party centrist. He is like the hiker who sits on a nest of ants, surrounded by poison oak, with other unseen dangers awaiting, unsure where to go next. I’m sorry for him. Like John McCain in the 1990s, he has watched his party move too rapidly towards respect for dictatorship. Or in the words of J D Vance, getting over their dictator-phobia. He is welcome in our party. Many of us, including me would like to see our party become more liberal. It is a quest that will be achieved at that metaphorical glacial pace. The centrists in our party will now have center-right Republicans joining them. And once more we will be stuck with that slow pace of progress that has marked our party since Hubert Humphrey.
Don’t get me wrong, slow and boring progress is still progress, but where is the excitement? I get it why the fascist party is so excited by Donald Trump and MAGA. They are taking an earth mover to political norms and the low-information voter thinks it’s reality television. It is unnerving to see the progress we have slowly accumulated over many decades, swept away by a handful of people with no respect for those achievements. In many respects, contempt. One of those people, a person barely into his 20s, calls himself Big Balls. We could assume he is not exaggerating, but he is MAGA, exaggeration is the normal way they do everything, from speaking to lawmaking. Usually, as dictators often demonstrate, they fail spectacularly. Did I mention that this kid, Big Balls is the grandson of a former Soviet spy from the Cold War? Seriously, five years ago, this would have been the subject of a spy novel. Today he is another novel spy making the possibility of Vladimir Putin controlling our country from Moscow, even more likely.
Since we’re on the subject of cheap spy novels. The latest rumor going around the internet is that Elon Musk’s 13 children were all conceived by IVF. The same IVF threatened by Republican attacks on abortion. Whether this is true or not, and I have no wish to respect any one of Elon Musk’s rights, we will go on with the story. Billionaire Musk had penis surgery that did not turn out as planned. It now only has one current use. His ego is now all that inflates. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it, how did Musk meet Big Balls? So we have this billionaire South African racist, who wants to rule the world with his tiny thing, his Big-Balls, and his tiny-fingered Vulgarian. What could stop him, he owns Star-link to spy on the internet activity of other countries, or people with normally-functioning genitalia. Has his own extra-terrestrial rockets, SpaceX. According to Google, there’s no hyphen between space and x. Perhaps he thought it was a useless appendage, like his. He also owns a company that makes EVs, a thing that many of us approve of, but that the people who he thinks are his fans do not. Besides that, his cyber truck looks like one of those cheap stainless-steel urinals often seen in highway rest stops. Maybe that’s where he got the idea. And he owns a social media hate site. He’s a modern-day Bond villain. Moonraker, and 007 has gone into retirement. SHEESH! Welcome to hell David Brooks. He is shaking his head in disgust.


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