The Heartland Institute, famed for its climate denial activities, is denying allegations it is running out of money. "It is a hoax", an unnamed spokesperson claimed. To date they have sent out pink slips to dozens of staffers, reducing their staff by half. Coincidentally, dozens of applications have been recieved at the flat-earth society, seeking to fill the spot once held by Mike Hughes, who crashed his home-made rocket recently. He had hoped to prove by actual images the earth was flat.
The president, Frank Lasee, a former Republican legislator from Wisconsin, is blamed for the fiscal mess. "Ridiculous", Lasee demanded. "As a Republican, I have been a longtime advocate for fiscal responsibility." Among the spokespersons left in the lurch is Naomi Seibt, the 19 year-old climate denier from Germany, who was recently hired as a counter-messenger to Greta Thunberg. A spokesman for her family told reporters, "We anticipate a great future of inactivity from our daughter, Naomi. World-wide popularity of fact denial is on the rise."
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