The presidential briefings on Covid 19 have been temporarily halted. May this day be blessed! What finally stopped the president from trudging on with these extemporaneous displays of madness, was his spectacular plunge in popularity. Republican knees are clacking together as they see their party going down on the same suicide plane as Trump. It is they, the party leadership who will be held responsible. I will enjoy that moment, holding it close to my bosom until the twitch of life leaves me. Hold on, NEWS FLASH! Trump changed his mind. We eagerly await more opportunities to witness Trumps madness. Some future day we may bless his disappearance from our political life. I am no fan of the Republican party. I was too young to remember the McCarthy era, but I know the history well. That seething belligerence has long hid in the shadows of the Republican party. It was also a part of the Democratic party during the Civil Rights era, but the lead...