
Showing posts from April, 2020


     The presidential briefings on Covid 19 have been temporarily halted. May this day be blessed! What finally stopped the president from trudging on with these extemporaneous displays of madness, was his spectacular plunge in popularity. Republican knees are clacking together as they see their party going down on the same suicide plane as Trump. It is they, the party leadership who will be held responsible. I will enjoy that moment, holding it close to my bosom until the twitch of life leaves me. Hold on,  NEWS FLASH! Trump changed his mind. We eagerly await more opportunities to witness Trumps madness. Some future day we may bless his disappearance from our political life.      I am no fan of the Republican party. I was too young to remember the McCarthy era, but I know the history well. That seething belligerence has long hid in the shadows of the Republican party. It was also a part of the Democratic party during the Civil Rights era, but the lead...


     Michael Bloomberg spent around one billion dollars in his attempt to become the Democratic nominee in 2020. He could have used that money more effectively by mailing every family a one million dollar  check. There have been many issues where Bloomberg has used his fortune to benefit leftwing interests, gun control is notable. Still his quixotic quest to capture the Democratic nomination was not destined for success. That Billion dollars went to well-heeled campaign strategists, lobbyists, and media outlets. Unlike Republicans, bribery and vote buying is not as successful in the Democratic party. Yes the DNC has their hand out but many Democrats are wary of anything the DNC offers. Many of us felt that Bloomberg was yet another vision of the corporate politician we dislike. And then came Covid 19. The entire landscape has changed. Petroleum companies are paying money to rid themselves of surplus oil, many of the local businesses have been forced to shutter their ...


     If there is anybody out there reading my blog, you will know how much I love satire. Irony is a part of satire. Often, that irony has an element of self-deprecating humor, which along with oppressing the comfortable, is the highest form of humor.       Here we are with Covid 19 causing businesses and public places to close. That includes libraries and bars, which maintained our sanity in previous crisises. My book, THE MARITIME ADVENTURES OF THE WAYWARD LANDLUBBER, is now published. My first cache of books have been ordered in expectation of promoting this labor of love. Where do I promote it? Fortunately literature is timeless, even mediocre literature. Even Romance novels and survivalist novels. I live each day in expectation of promoting my book. That expectation will take a little more time. It may be true that my poor missive is no more important than that Romance Fiction, but it has been a labor of love. For some of us adventure is a fleetin...


I am in Facebook jail for 30 days, the third time this year. My crime was "violating community standards", the specifics are: I responded to a meme which claimed Trump was elected to sweep the trash out of DC. I responded that while he had swept the trash, mostly competant, from DC, he flooded government with incompetant trash, mostly white trash. Okay, that was an exaggeration. While most of the trump appointees are white but not specifically white trash, Steve Miller is a notable exception, the incompetance is well displayed. I am a white northern man who remembers the Civil Rights era well. I know the meaning of white trash, and how it has a rather elastic definition. I do not feel that calling an administration, which has made no attempt to limit white racism, white trash is an insult to community standards. If the shoe fits wear it. But there is more at stake here.  Facebook has given people who had previously been limited to poorly written screeds, hand-circulated in fr...