
Showing posts from February, 2021


     It's such a pleasure to be able to write something that isn't expressing my distaste for the piece ofshit that used to occupy the Whitehouse. His party is still doing what they do best, but I'm setting them aside for a poem. I'm not comfortable with poetry, it has always seemed just beyond my reach.       But from time-to-time I get that masochistic desire to fail at something spectacularly.                                                       IRONY All my life I've Admired writers;  Fed on their product,  Their labor and Their ruminations. Deep down in my Subconscious mind I wanted to be As talented as they, To write with skill. Finally, in the  Closing decades of  My sentient life,  I've learned to write a Sentenc filled with depth. To assemble those  Sentences into Paragraphs; stringing Them into a train Of concise concepts. And now, just as I've gained the skills That I've desired. The whole world changes.  Tweets are what are read. 280 charact


     In Ohio, some people are trying to get a holiday honoring Donald Trump passed in the legislature. I think this is a fantastic idea. Before you start filling out commitment papers, hear me out.      The people who are proposing this idea are Republicans, bitter that Trump lost re-election, and who wish to "own the liberals". The odds of this being enacted into law are fairly long. Still there are conservative states, like Ohio, who are crazy enough to do this. Let us give them their wish and turn it into a celebration of trumps incompetance and the failure of a palace coup. We can use Britains Guy Fawkes day as our template. Fawkes and his conspirators wished to start a Catholic insurrection to overthrow the monarchy of newly installed, James I,  and of parliament. To be sure the devout Catholics had many grievances in Protestant England. They had been treated with great brutality by the Protested church, supported by Parliament. James I formerly King James of Scotland wa