I was in the 9th grade when John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Young male readers in that day were discovering spy fiction and crime fiction. I was one of them. Eventually it dawns on a fertile mind that spy fiction and crime fiction is a way to tell stuff that happened without telling the wrong people that stuff happened. Pretty soon, you're not sure what to believe.
Into this young fertile mind, details about the Kennedy assassination emerged that were even worse than blowing the brain of our president apart. Details that indicated that this might be an attempt to make this look like a foreign job, while concealing its American connections. We all knew, thanks to Walter Cronkite and his colleagues, that the culprit fired a Manlicher Carcano snipers rifle. There were 5 rounds, one that killed a president, the other that went into the arm of Texas Governor John Connally, and one that was found on the floorboard of the limousine in pristine condition, named appropriately, the magic bullet. The other two bullets majically disappeared. What we did not know about this sniper rifle that accomplished this difficult coup de Gras, was that it was a sniper rifle that literally no one wanted. Including the Italian Snipers from WWII. IT WAS LITERALLY PURCHASED MAIL-ORDER. When people mailed money orders through the Post Office. A thing many of us may not remember (for various reasons). Details.
The next day, we watched on TV a stripclub owner by the name of Ruby, with connections to the Giancana crime family, shoot the alleged assassin, named Oswald, with a snub-nosed revolver in the basement of the Dallas Police building. His dying words were, "I'm a patsy". This is Texas where it's harder to go bass fishing in a freshwater lake than carry a gun. Amazingly, there were tighter gun regulations then, than there are now. Lee Harvey Oswald had been a marine, a sniper, and married a Russian woman while he was doing something suspicious in Russia, perhaps with the CIA.
We learned soon after that there were, concurrent to this event, two competing crime families among the dignitaries in Dalles that weekend: the aforementioned Giancana Outfit from Chicago, and the Trafficante crime family from Florida. Over the weeks and years it will be revealed, to inquisitive minds, that they were involved in a web of activities around, and within, the Kennedy assassination. Some of those Florida Trafficante gangsters were also former members of various CIA operations in and around Cuba. Men who had a familiarity with assassinations. Or at least failed attempts at assassinations, their target being Fidel Castro, who lived a long life and died in his bed. Or maybe they finally succeeded. I should mention here that one of those CIA hit teams was tasked with giving Castro some cigars loaded with a chemical to make his abundant beard, less so. There was no evidence it worked. The Giancana family may have been unhappy that JFK had had an affair with Boss Sam's girlfriend, Judith Campbell Exner. And then there was this mysterious French intelligence agent that may have had experience in what is euphemistically called 'wet-work'. Later on members of yet another crime family with CIA connections, will bungle a burglary at the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate complex. But that's another story.
As you can probably tell, none of this left an impression on me. It seemed perfectly normal that there was some sort of deep-state working malevolently in the murky depths of the under-world, probably several obscure groups at various depths. A sort of Dante's Inferno of underground maliciousness. If you spy, someone's gonna spy on you. And why stop with one enemy, when you can spy on many. Pretty soon you need an intelligence agency for this sort of thing, and an intelligence agency for that sort of thing, and an intelligence agency to make sure that the other intelligence agencies are not leaking secrets to enemies, and eventually another intelligence agency to spy on the intelligence agency that spies on the other intelligent agencies.
Did I mention that the great Stanley Kubrick film Dr Strangelove came out about this time? For years after those of us of a certain attitude would use the phrase, "gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room" as a sort of secret nerd password.
Imagine my shock and amazement when sometime around 2014 a secret conspiracy program sprang up out of the nowhere of the digital world. A conspiracy that, would lead to an attempt by a president to overthrow the president that defeated him. Its leader was thought to be a pig farmer in the Phillipines with special Q-clearance. He, the supposed Phillipine pig farmer, is now running for congress in, where else, Arizona. He is now passing these "deep-state" secrets on to a select group of followers at first on 8-chan and later, 4-chan, these had no connection to Charlie Chan. "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war-room" is a password already taken, I have no idea what secret password is needed to access this Q material. Perhaps they can interrogate Michael Flynn and someone will make him Crack.
According to this special Q-clearance, all Democrats are pedophiles and drink baby blood. But that is not all. Colleges and Universities are filled with pedagogues, and while they don't know what a pedagogue is, it must be bad because Q says they are lying to us. But here's where it really gets good. At this very moment, in 2022, there are Q-Anon followers in Dallas Texas on the infamous grassy knoll waiting for JFK to reappear and lead the republican party. That's but the penultimate event in this crazy scenario, not gleaned from the discarded manuscripts of a failed spy novelist. Along with the emergence of JFK, his brain and skull healed, they are waiting improbably for JFK Jr., the not quite good enough private pilot and son of the assassinated president, soon to emerge on the Republican side to lead them out of the wilderness, or speak to them from a burning bush, or something like that.
By now it should surprise no one that Q is revealing the existence of a, drumroll, please,
"Deep State". Filled with baby killers, baby-blood drinkers, baby-back rib eaters, and pedophile Democrats. And they want to steal the country from good, white, Christian people. There are many, too many of these people in congress. They don't actually control the republican party, in the way that they don't actually have control of themselves. But they are the 'base' that our loser ex-president brags about. They can be easily manipulated and they don't ask many questions, they don't even Google. And they can be milked like a Guernsey cow. The republican party needs them to win generational control of the government. This was once called the Thousand Year Reich, but that has since gone out of fashion. They are, however, very fearful of this 'Deep State' awaiting to emerge once Democrats have taken complete control of government. It is going to take away their guns and liberty, it will force you, gun or no gun, to wear a face diaper, and put identity devices in the vaccines they are mandating good, white people to recieve. One side effect, it is said, is that you become magnetic. I have not noticed this from the Moderna vaccines I have been given.
Imagine, after all of this deep-state paranoia, my shock and amazement, while watching the Jan. 6 Congressional Hearings, to find emerging from testimony by the very Trump Whitehouse and administrative staff involved in those events, that it was this deep state that held this Constitutional democracy together. That prevented us from becoming a Constitutional monarchy.
They, the republican deep state that lacks intellectual and emotional depth, failed this time due to some very brave and principled republicans. Not many, but just enough. They will try again. The new republican emergence of "controlled democracy" will require the same adherence to the words of the Constitution, as they have for the words of the Bible.
I'm deeply worried.
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