I'm not ashamed to admit that I enjoy a degree of incivility. I often skirt the outer ring of civility, that is what satire does, but there is a greater service done by incivility than black humor. Incivilty at one time drew a line in the sand for what is no longer acceptable. Ironically, that haven of civility gave birth to a sense of too much power by people who do not know the limits of civility, and don't much care. These are the people who believe that cultural sensitivity (political correctness, PC) is something to belittle. And now we have forgotten the location of that line in the sand. Politicians are a convenient target of opportunity for humorists, satirists, and comedians. "Humor is comforting the oppressed by oppressing the comfortable." There is no better time to start oppressing the comfortable than now. In my life, where I barely remember Eisenhauer, become politically aware with JFK, conflicted over LBJ, hated Nixon, did not hate ...